HDR Photography

Originally posted on my Portfolio on 9/23/2011
HDR means “High Dynamic Range” and it is a method of giving one’s photographs higher tonal ranges in shadows, highlights, and details. Using the tutorial from VanillaDays I have determined that there are basically two different ways of accomplishing this method; on the field and on the computer.
The first way would bring out the clearest photograph and that is by using your camera’s Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB) mode. On your camera go to the menu and set the AEB mode to -2/ +2 stops. While you are photographing the subject of your HDR photo (make sure to use a tripod) you take three photos of it; one at normal exposure (0), one with less exposure (-2) and another that is more exposed (+2). Be sure that these files are being saved in RAW format for best results. After you’ve photographed your subject, turning it into a HDR image using photoshop is pretty easy. In photoshop, go to File –> Automate –> Merge to HDR, pick the three photos you took and click ok. When the window finally comes up you may edit it to your pleasing, save and you’re done!
The other way of doing HDR is on a single image, that maybe you already shot. Under a photo editing program, such as photoshop, open the file you wish to change. Save that image as a RAW or TIFF file. Then change the exposure settings (Image —> Adjust –> exposure on photoshop) to -2, save that file under a different name, and then with the original folder (or do STEP BACKWARD)  adjust the photo to +2, and save that with a different name. Using the aforementioned editing method, in Adobe Photoshop, go to File –> Automate –> Merge to HDR, pick the three photos you just saved, click OK and edit further to your pleasing.
Personally, I have yet to take my three photos on the field and try the first method, but I have tried the second method, and below are a few that came out sort of Okay. Practice makes perfect!
If you need any other help or further instructions you can go to VanillaDays tutorial for help. There are also a lot of books on HDR on amazon.com or your local bookstore.

 Before & After HDR photoshopping (All photos in this post are photographed by me and are my property)
There are also a lot of amazing HDR photos on Flickr. Just type HDR in the search box.

Chelsea Barracks

Originally posted 8/30/2011 as research for an Interior Design class



The Chelsea Barracks was a site being developed by a firm owned by the royal family of Qatar. Their architect, Lord Richard Rogers, is well known for his “modernist and functionalist designs.” The Barracks were to hold 552 homes, as well as a hotel complex. Prince Charles, who wrote a book called “A Vision of Britain” in 1989, detests Rogers’ modern design for the Barracks, which are sited across from Sir Christopher Wren’s Royal Hospital. Charles decided to write a letter to Qatar Prime Minister, Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabor Al-Thani, to suggest that Rogers’ Chelsea Barracks design be thrown out, and that Quinlan Terry (one of Prince Charles favorite architects <www.gaurdian.co.uk>) should design a more traditional site plan. Although the Chelsea Barracks design was thoroughly researched and surveyed, in April of 2009 the decision was reached to throw out the modern design, firing Lord Rogers and delaying the project by at least a year.
The point of view of Prince Charles is that the United Kingdom is uniquely historical and he wants to keep that style in the buildings and structures. According to him, people visit England expecting to delve into the country’s history, and the contemporary architecture is destroying that. To aid in his effort to establish traditional buildings and educate others, he founded the Foundation for the Built Environment (www.princes-foundation.org) The official mission of this foundation is to improve “standards for homes, streets [and] public and private spaces.” and the Chelsea Barracks site plan became a huge project for them.
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Odysseus’ Farewell Speech

Here’s a little something I wrote a few years back after reading The Odyssey by Homer.

Alas, I can see, for the storm has cleared
Cleared me of sins and regrets
Hello to my homeland, gone for 19 years
Farewell to Danger and Death
So long to the memories on Calypso’s Isle
Good-bye to the blinded Plyphêmos
So long to Kirkê, Witch of beauty and trickery
Good-bye old rumors of Lord OdysseusTo my shipmates who all went down a blunder
Who fought through all their fears
May your memories forever more
Scorch my face in tears
Hello darling wife of devotedness
There were so many challenges you faced
Though being in doubt for 19 years
No suitor ever took my place

Thank you daughter of Zeus, Athena
My guardian god of war
You always prepared me by letting me know
exactly what I had in store
Leave me to rest Poseidon, my immortal enemy
Set me free of your anger and wrath
Note that what I did was for defense
So please set down your staff

My Son, my sweet Telemakhos
Haven’t seen you since you were ye high
I hope you are no longer clearheaded
And know what you want from life
To those unloyal men who courted my wife
When they thought I was dead and gone
Now slaughtered and off to Hades you are
Because I still remain strong

No more wet cheeks from disaster of before
No more Death walking through my door
No more ignorance and deceit from my men
No more wondering of my whereabouts from my kin

The time has come for a revolution
So I am here, after all these heart aching years
A reformation of Lordship is needed
While my Swineherd and Cowherd stay loyal here
My people stopped believing and stopped expecting my return
And they will learn to reap what they sow
Leaving all my perils and strives behind
It’s been a long trip, but I’m finally home

Alas, I can see, for the storm has cleared
Cleared me of sins and regrets
Hello to my homeland, gone for 19 years
Farewell to Danger and Death

-Deneé Jones